Secturion offers an enterprise class, ultra-high performance line of network security appliances. These appliances use hardware architecture featuring Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FGPAs) to encrypt and authenticate data during transport and storage. DarkStor and DarkLink provide full-duplex throughput with data rates of 10/40/100 Gbps. Secturion is the solution to protect and secure end-to-end cloud based data storage and data in transit. This hack-proof approach allows for superior data rates. Secturion utilizes encryption algorithims including AES-256-GCM, XTS, and others. This provides customers with a high level of assurance and reliability while implementing fail-safe and tamper-proof features.

HQ: Centerville, Utah, United States
Country: USA
Establishment Year:
Company Stage:
Estimated Employees:
11 .. 50
Estimated Revenues
$M 4.00
Raised Funding:
$M 5.41

Cyber Categories: